Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Breaking-news visual story telling

This post was created on Dec. 10, 2008 for another blog with much wider display format (for learning purpose.) This shows how you can use free Web hosts like Slice.com and Google Maps/Streetview features to visually tell a major breaking-news event quickly, from any location using a computer with access to the Internet.

F/A-18 jet crashes into homes
A Korean immigrant who lost his wife, two children and mother-in-law when a Marine Corps jet slammed into the family’s house said Tuesday he did not blame the pilot, who ejected and survived. (AP photos show in slide below)

Smoke rises from a fire in a suburban neighborhood, foreground, after an F-18 military jet crashed in San Diego Monday, Dec. 8, 2008. In the background is the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. (AP/Denis Poroy)

View F/A-18 jet crashes into homes in a larger map with picture.

View of the destroyed homes immediately after the Dec. 8 crash. (AP/Matt Rose):

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